Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Getting Ready for Summer 2017


Flyer for Summer 2017 Programs
Memorial Day weekend, which was our official time for transitioning between our School Year and Summer programs, has passed and we're in the final stages of preparing for Summer. This is our first blog post, providing you with current information. It will run until August 2017 and will serve as a the best single spot to remain abreast of current and upcoming developments related to the LUNCH Groups® Summer Program.

What's Going On?

As you know, we will be running three groups (click on the flyer to the right for details). They are as follows:
Summer 2017 Schedule for all Groups

Parent Meetings

A huge portion of our program involves, not your kids, but you and your participation. Later this month, we'll be holding Parent Orientation meetings. Also, there will be a weekly parent webinar and parent drop-in meetings as well, beginning the week of July 5th. You'll learn more about this at the orientation meetings. For those of you who are continuing or returning to our program, there will be a special online orientation meeting designed to inform you about recent changes to the program. If it has been more than a year since your child attended, we advise that you attend one of the "live" orientations.

When your survey arrives,  please complete it at your earliest opportunity, it will only take a couple of minutes. That way, we can finalize the dates for the parent portion of group. Each group will have a designated day that is prioritized for their group, so your responses will be most helpful.

Materials Fee, Treatment Agreement, & Registration

Every child who attends the program must be registered so we know emergency information, have updated information on medical issues, or medical dietary restrictions. Also, we must have a signed Treatment Agreement and the Materials Fee of $350 must be paid. The fee covers snacks, lunches, transportation costs, admission to events, and raffle prizes.

Below is the link to the treatment agreement. Please review it and let me know if you have any questions regarding its contents. It will also be contained in your Registration form information for review.

Click here to Review the Treatment Agreement


You are welcome to contact me anytime with questions. Email tends to work best and will usually get you the quickest reply. If you haven't already had a look, you may find the FAQs on the website answers many of your questions. Click here to view.

Thanks for reading through this. I look forward to seeing you again soon.

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